Fried Meat Condiment
� 500 grams of beef, boiled, sliced
� 3 pieces red chilli, sliced thinly
� 2 pieces of bay
� 10 cm leaf Serai
� 250 millimeter liter milk
� 2 tablespoon vegetable oil, for menumis
Mashed spices:
� 4 cloves garlic
� 5 grains candlenut
� 4 red chili fruit
� lengkuas 1 centimeters
� ginger 1 centimeters
� Tumis ingredients until fragrant, enter the meat, slices of red chili and coconut milk. Poke to coagulate.
� Lift, served
� 500 grams of beef, boiled, sliced
� 3 pieces red chilli, sliced thinly
� 2 pieces of bay
� 10 cm leaf Serai
� 250 millimeter liter milk
� 2 tablespoon vegetable oil, for menumis
Mashed spices:
� 4 cloves garlic
� 5 grains candlenut
� 4 red chili fruit
� lengkuas 1 centimeters
� ginger 1 centimeters
� Tumis ingredients until fragrant, enter the meat, slices of red chili and coconut milk. Poke to coagulate.
� Lift, served
Sambal Goreng Daging
- 500 gram daging sapi, rebus, iris
- 3 buah cabai merah, iris tipis
- 2 lembar daun salam
- 10 cm daun serai, memarkan
- 250 mili liter santan
- 2 sendok makan minyak sayur, untuk menumis
Bumbu Dihaluskan:
- 4 siung bawang putih
- 5 butir kemiri
- 4 buah cabai merah
- 1 centimeter lengkuas
- 1 centimeter jahe
Cara Membuat:
- Tumis bumbu hingga harum, masukkan daging, cabai merah iris dan santan. Aduk hingga mengental.
- Angkat, sajikan
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